Tucker’s a natural pick to pilot Sigreen platform
A partnership between Department for Industry, innovation & Science(DIIS), Siemens and Food SA has supported South Australian business, Tucker’s Natural, to pilot Siemen’s new technology to identify and track their carbon footprint across its supply chain.
Through a competitive EOI process, Tucker’s Natural, was chosen for the pilot project to measure product-related emissions in food and beverage manufacturing using Siemens’ Sigreen platform. Learn more
Tucker’s Natural have been working with suppliers to attain full recyclability for all the packaging components we use. We have achieved full recyclability on our inner and outer cartons and plastic trays. So, you can use kerbside recycling for these packaging components.
Our PVDC film can be recycled as a soft plastic and for this reason Tucker’s Natural joined the REDcycle Program, who had teamed with national retailers Coles and Woolworths for deposit locations. Unfortunately, this has folded due to process production issues.
We continue to work with our film supplier to secure a fully kerbside recyclable film.
We have now joined the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) which is a not-for-profit organisation leading the development of a circular economy for packaging in Australia.
If you would like to know more about the Australian Packaging Covenant (APCO) please click here.
20 large solar panels have been erected onto our factory facility roof to feed solar power into the national grid and reduce our energy consumption.
Solar energy systems do not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases. Their use reduces our reliance on other energy sources which have larger effects on the environment.
Tucker’s Natural first sourcing policy is local, starting with South Australia. This significantly reduces our food miles.
All waste streams are separated in our production facility. Tucker’s recycle what we can and minimise any waste going to landfill.