Tucker’s Natural was founded on the principal of better for you snacks. So, when sourcing ingredients, Sam and his team go to great lengths to find ingredients that are high quality, sustainable and local. That means there are some tough questions asked about the ingredient journey. Our Responsible Sourcing Program focuses on reducing social and environmental risks in our supply chain—and making sure our suppliers share our commitment.
Global food trends indicate that discerning consumers are increasingly seeking foods that are ‘naturally healthy’, have a ‘clean’ label with simple ingredients (including non-GMO), and have identifiable provenance that links consumers to producers.
Well Tucker’s Natural fits this bill. All Tucker’s Natural products are certified non-GMO.
Sam and Cindy are committed to the highest quality ingredients and wanted their customers to be able to make informed choices about what they eat. This is why Tucker’s Natural use only non-GMO ingredients in our products.
All our products are annually audited for compliance by GMO-ID Australia
Sam Tucker says it is a growing trend around the world and provides in these uncertain times a safety net for many consumers.

Tucker’s Natural do not use Palm Oil in their production of any of their products. Apart from the fact it is not a healthy oil, being very high in saturated fat, the use of it globally as a cheap oil has resulted in large-scale devastation of tropical forest and habitat loss to endangered species.
Tucker’s Natural uses Australian or New Zealand Butter, Australian Canola Oil (non-GMO), Diana’s Olive Oil from the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia and Rice Bran Oil.

Tucker’s Natural was founded on Sam and Cindy’s passion to produce better for you snacks to support their healthy lifestyle and a bit later their family of 3 boys. They wanted to make sure that what they put in their body did not contain any artificial flavours, preservatives, colours, fillers or additives. They simply started with the basics- quality natural local ingredients like flour, oats, rosemary, butter, canola oil and seeds and mixed them together, the same as you would at home.
It is now just a bigger mixing bowl, going down our dough roller line, cut and then oven baked, cared for by our skilled bakers. Very simple, with clean wholesome flavours and as fresh as you can bake them at home.
Australia has a reputation for supplying clean and natural products with low chemical residues. Quality and safety are paramount with strict safety standards regulated and enforced along the supply chain.
People all over the world trust Australian food and beverages to be premium quality, nutritious, clean, and sustainably produced.
It is a land of regional diversity with local specialties like beef, wine, seafood, truffles, and olive oil ranked among the best in the world.
It is also a clean green land that enables the best, tastiest, and freshest produce to be grown.
It is from this food bowl that Tucker’s Natural draws its resources from, supporting other local suppliers
Tucker’s Natural take our responsibility with respect to food safety and quality seriously and will not compromise on it.
Tucker’s Natural strives to not just meet, but to exceed the industry’s standard regulatory checks. We implement a consistent, comprehensive food safety management process across our supply chain.
Whenever customers see the Tucker’s Natural brand, they know they can trust the food quality.
Our Quality Risk Management Process is the backbone of the Tucker’s Natural Safety and Quality program and serves as the best-in-class management system to ensure food is manufactured safely, complies with local regulations, and meets or exceeds the quality standards we’ve set for our products.
There is no compromise.
We hold the highest levels of food accreditation and are audited annually by the following bodies, but more importantly daily by our trained staff with our QA processes.
Tucker’s Natural was founded on the principal of better for you snacks. So, when sourcing ingredients, Sam and his team go to great lengths to find ingredients that are high quality, sustainable and local. That means there are some tough questions asked about the ingredient journey. Our Responsible Sourcing Program focuses on reducing social and environmental risks in our supply chain—and making sure our suppliers share our commitment.